Duration: 4 minutes 30 seconds
Premiere: Pie for Two Midwest Tour Spring 2019
Instrumentation: tap dance and percussion (drum set and MalletStation)
written for Pie for Two

Promo Video:

Program Notes: While writing, I was channeling 8-bit, retro-synth and retro-arcade game sounds. Glitchy video clips and the edgy bass synth contribute to an abstracted version of these old, imaginary arcade games, hopefully giving this piece the eerie feeling of Netflix’s interactive show, Black Mirror: Bandersnatch.
The title doesn’t mean anything in particular. I like to archive interesting things I experience in life to use as piece titles for music I compose without a direct narrative. This title comes from a kayaking trip I took in Ocala, Florida where I came across a sunken shed that was lodged at the bottom of the river. Its tin roof still poked out above the water where I saw a hoard of turtles sunbathing. I took a mental picture because they were so darn cute, and thus, turtles on a shed.