Duration: 6 minutes
Premiere: Listening in the Gallery I (curated by Sahada Buckley) | December 1st, 2018 | ATHICA art gallery in Athens, GA
Recorded at the Dancz Center for New Music on December 12th, 2018
Instrumentation: flute and percussion+synthesizer, fixed media, and visuals
written for safety second

PRISM was written for an ATHICA series called Listening in the Gallery whose theme was the interaction between color and music.

Pitch content for this piece was generated using the frequencies (in THz) of colors in the visible spectrum. Those frequencies were mapped to audible frequencies and then scaled so that they fit within the equal-tempered tuning system. Because light exists in a spectrum and is not evenly divided as pitches usually are, bending of notes is a central musical element of the work. The interaction of music and light was also realized through a beautiful, audio-reactive visualizer Max patch designed by Masato Tsutsui.